
Indian Mythology

Top 5 most powerful sons of Surya Deva (Sun God)

Updated On Nov 29, 2023       5 min min Read

Top 5 most powerful sons of Surya Deva (Sun God)


The sun is the source of light for all of the world. All the planets revolve around the sun. Sun has a very important role in the celestial ground and so is its personification. The Sun god or Surya Deva as per Indian mythology, has two wives named Sandhya and Chaya. Surya Deva has ten sons. In this article lets get to know the top 5 most powerful sons of Surya Deva. 

5. Aswini Devatas

These are twin brothers who are known as the doctors of the gods. They are the divine physicians and are known to be quite handsome and riding golden chariots during brahmamuhurta and sandhya (evening) times. The twin dieties are born to sage Kashyap and Aditi. They are known for their skill in medicine, herbs, healing and are called upon when someone is looking to heal or is ill.

Later during the time of Mahabharata, Ashwini Kumars when invoked by Madri, the second wife of Pandu, bless her with two sons, Nakula and Sahadeva, the youngest of the Pandavas. Ashwini Kumars are known to bless women with good husbands, old with youth and the blind with vision in various mentions in the Rig Veda.

4. Sugreev

Sugreev is one of the vital characters and a powerful warrior in Ramayan. He is the younger brother of Vaali. With the help of Lord Hanuman, Sugreev met with Lord Ram and their freindsip is quite popular in the Ramayan. Sugreev was so powerful that during the final war in Ramayan, he was able to topple Ravana's crown. He is compared along with many other powerful warriors of his time in terms of his strength.

His elder brother Vaali drove him out of his kingdom Kishkinda. Sugreev was living on a mountain with Lord Hanuman, Jambavanth and a few other vanara soldiers. After meeting with Lord Ram and seeking help, Lord Ram was able to defeat and kill Vaali and win back the Kingdom of Kishkinda for Sugreev. Sugreev was now out of fear of his elder brother and in return he promised Lord Ram to help him in the search for his wife, Sita.

3. Karna

Karna is one most important characters in the Mahabharat. He was the central figure in the kurukshetra war. He was one of the greatest archers of his time and is well known to have fought his entire life with the troubles of time. He is described as very handsome and to possess almost all the skills and features of the five pandava brothers. He is also known as the Charirtable (Daanveer) Karna due to his charities during the time of Mahabharat.

He was also known as Lord Parashurams favorite student which solidifies his place among the ranks of Bhishma and Dronocharya who were also the students of Parashuram. It is beleived that Lord Parashuram himself accepts that Karna is the greatest archer of the time and taught him various powerful astras.

Karna was born to Kunti before she was married. He was the eldest of the Pandavas. He stands against his brothers in the great war and promises his mother that she will still have 5 sons after the war. Karna is compared to Lord Ram from Ramayan in many aspects.

2. Yamaraj

Yama is the god of death and is born to Sandya, the daughter of sage Vishwakarma. Sandhya gives bright to a daughter Yamuna. Yama weighs the karma or deeds of the human and decides whether the dead will go to hell or heaven. Yama rides a bison. He is also known as the gaurdian of the southern direction.

Sandhya' shadow Chaya Devi gives birth to a son who duels with Yama for a long time and is able to subdue and kill Yama with his mighty powers. Thus Yama becomes the first god to have completed the circle and life and death. Lord Shiva and Vishnu grant life to Yama and make him the God of death and justice.

During the time of Mahabharat, Lord Yama gifts a son to Kunti. He is the eldest of the Pandavas, Yudishtir and is known to be the epitome of Dharma and justice. Yama is quite a powerful god and has various powerful astras including Kaal Dand which was acquired from Lord Brahma himself.

1. Shani Deva

Shani Dev is the son of Surya Deva and Sandhya Devi's shadow Chaya Devi. He is the most powerful of all the sons of Surya Deva. He is dark ini color as his mother and rides a crow. Shani Dev worships Lord Shiva and as a result holds a planetary position status and is responsible for the karma everyone faces due to their own deeds.

He is also one of the most important planet among the nine. Based on the poisiton of the Saturn, it is decided whether the time is good or bad. Shani has the power to turn a begger into a king or vice-versa and hence even the gods are afraid of him.

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