
Greek Mythology

The Gods on Mount Olympus

Updated On Feb 5, 2023       5 min Read

The Gods on Mount Olympus


Zues, king of the gods, ruled from his throne on Mount Olympus, home of the immortals, often using his symbols of the thunderbolt and eagle to warm or encourage mortals. Zeus was reponsible for all weather changes from lightning to snow, depending on his mood.

He was also a protector of the home and strangers, meaning being a bad host could land you in trouble. Zeus married his sister Hera, who birthed the gods Ares and Hephaestus. Zeus was also infamous fir his many aggairs with other godessess from which Athena, Hermes, Apollo, Artemis and Persephone came.

He also engaged in many affairs with mortal women where he created the god Dionysus and many heroes like Perseus nad Hercules, most of whom experienced the wrath of the jealous Hera.


He is one of the most powerful gods who ruled the sea and created earthquakes, and was the god of horses, much prized in ancient society. He had a palace on Mount Plympus, but an even more magnificent one under the sea where he spent most of his time. Sailors would have to pray to Poseidon and offer sufficient sacrifice, otherwise risked a painful death at sea. It was very unwise to cross Poseidon as he held a grudge and could deal out very harsh punishments. 


He was the oldest of the three brothers and ruled over the underworld where the spirits of the dead resided. He shared his throne with his wife, Persephone and the two were considered to be gods of fertility. The underworld had several guardians and trials, making it difficult for the dead and near impossible for the living to enter.

The gates lay past the deadly river Styx. The only way to enter was to get passage from the ferryman, Charon. Charon required payment, and this is the reason why Greek burials included placing coins in the eyes of the deceased. If the soul could not afford to enter, then they were fated to wait on the shores of the Styx forever.

Past Charon lay Cerberus, the fabled three-headed dog who guards the gates of the underworld. Ultimately, the soul will reach the three judges of the underworld, who decide where it should go.


Hera, sister and wife of Zeus, and queen of the Gods, was the protector of marriage and women. She was deeply respected in the Greek Society. She was one of the vengeful and spiteful gods, punishing women who lay with her husband and any subsequent children. When Leto was pregnant with Apollo and Artemis, Hera stopped her giving birth.

She kept Io, another of Zeus's mistresses as a heifer and had her guarded by the hundred-eyed monster Argos. A famous tale of her jealous vengeance is the story of Hercules who was illegitimate child of Zues.


Athen is the goddess of wisdom and war, the child of Zeus and Metis, was not born in a conventional way. Zues received an omen that their children would take home the throne from him and so swallowed Metis while she was pregnant. After this, Zeus began to get a terrible headache. He asked a fellow immortal thought to be the fastest to split open his head with an axe.

Athen awas born from this forehead, jumping out in full battle gear while letting out a war cry.  Athena had an affinity for heroics, coming to aid of heroes like Perseus and Hercules. Her favorite was Odysseus, who she worked hard to keep safe so he could return to his homeland.

Athena was highly revered in Athens, which was named after her. Athena was also one of the sacred virgin goddesses and so in her honor a temple was built on the Acropolis in Athens which was named the Parthenon.


Ares was the bloodthirsty and cruel god of war. Neither God nor mortal particularly like Ares. the warfare he represents is not honorable nor heroic, but rather the primal rage and bloodshed of the battlefield. Ares had a relationship with the goddess Aphrodite who was married to the god Hephaestus.

When Hephaestus found out, he hung an invisible net over their bed and told her wife he was going away. As soon as he left and hid himself, Ares and Aphrodite were caught in the net and unable to move. Hephaestus called upon all the immortals to see the two cught naked.


Aphrodite was the godess of beauty and love, responsible for sexual attraction for all mortals and immortals alike, often using her powers for her own amusement. Accounts of her birth vary, with her being born from the genitals or Uranus, or as another illegitimate child of Zeus.

Aphrodite had a major role in the Trojan war when Paris, Prince of Troy was tasked with giving an apple to the fairest goddess Hera, Athena and Aphrodite each promising him something in return. Paris chose Aphrodite, who promised him the most beautiful woman in the world Helen. Helen was married to the King of Sparta, Menelaus and thus started the Trojan war.


Goddess of the hunt and twin sister of Apollo, Artemis was a deadly Archer and an important member of Olympus. She watched over hunters as well as their prey, ensuring the wilderness was kept in check.

Artemis is also prized for her virginity and guarded it jealously. The hunter Actaeon once stumbled upon her naked as she was bathing. Artemispromised to change the man into a deer and set his fifty hunting dogs upon him, giving him a painful death for his mistake.


Twin brother of Artemis, Apollo was a god of many things. He was a god of Archery, but also oflight and music, seen with a lyre as much as a bow. Apollo is closedly linked with prophecy. He was born on Delos and honored the island by setting up an oracle there.

He later travelled to Mount Parnassus and slew the great snake Pytho. He created a temple where he had achieved the feat marking the foundations for where the famous Oracle of Delphi would reside. 


Hermes, the messenger of God and patron of thieves was also known as a trickster amongst the gods. He often pulled pranks and stole from his fellow divinities. When he came of age, he assumed the role of messenger, taking a golden rod with him as a mark of his authority. He is often seen with a winged helmet and sandles, which he uses to fly around and deliver messages. 


Demeter, the goddess of farming and watcher of the harvest. The only thing she prized more than anything was her daughter, Persephone. It happened that Hades was also interseted in Persephone as he had fallen inlove with her. One day, while the firl was picking flowers, he opened up the ground and dragged her down to the underworld.

Demeter was distraught when she found out and searched for her daughter for nine days and night, until the Sun God Helios revealed her captors identity. Demeter locked herself indoors for an entire year, refusing to come out until Persephone was returned. Without the godess of farming, the world went into famine. In order to save the world, Zeus ordered Hades to release Persephone.

Later it was deiced that Hades could have Persephone for 3 months of the year which explain why winter months are cold and plants die as Demeter waits for her daughter. 


Hephaestus, god of Smithing, had a difficult start to life. He was born lame and so his mother Hera decided to throw him off Olympus into the sea to drown. He later returned to the home of the Gods and was given Aphrodite as wife by Hera to reconcile with him.

He was a great inventor and fashioned many of the palaces on Olympus. He also fashioned the equipments of many heroes such as Achilles who he created armour and a shield for. 


God of wine and parties, Dionysus was perhaps the most fun of the Olympians. Frenzied women called maenads and half goat man called styrs followed him. he had a huge cult following in Greece, where his followers would participate in mass drinking and the orgies his mythological companions were so well known for. 


The Greek gods represent humanity at its best and worst, from the violent and destructive Ares to the beautiful and seductive Aphrodite. 

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