
Norse Mythology

Ragnarok: The Long Winter Part 2

Updated On Feb 5, 2023       10 min Read

Ragnarok: The Long Winter Part 2

The Battles of Ragnarok

The sound of Heimdall's horn announced that the day of the final battle has arrived. The evil forces, commanded by Loki, were eager and ready to put and to the reign of the gods via all means. The Asgardian gods had been preparing for the inevitable battle for thousands of years. The gates of Valhalla were opened and thousands of warriors stepped out.

Odin's great army consisted of brave warriors who had fought bravely and died in battlefield, later taken by the Valkyries to the great hall of Valhalla where they waited to fight again with all their courage and strength alongside the gods during the Ragnarok. The massive army of the Muspelheim giants tried to break open the gates of Asgard. The bifrost bridge was collpsed in the fight and a part of the great army fell into the waters. The Asgardians had their hopes up as the giants drowned in the river below.

But the gods knew they had to face the forces of darkness instead of waiting behind the great walls. Odin on his glorious eight legged horse ordered the attack. As the army of the gods advanced, the clash against the enemy was so immense, that it made the tree of the world tremble. Thor, the champion of the Gods, started killing the enemies in hundreds. Loki guided the hell's armies of living dead.

Freyr, the venier god fought bravely on his golden boar along side the asgardians. He valiantly attacked the head of the Muspelheim giants. Freyr did all he could but Surtur could not be easily defeated. Surtur killed Freyr with this flaming sword. Freyr was the first god to crumble on the battlefield and many others followed.

Týr, the warrior god, who sacrificed his hand inorded to trap the mighty wolf Fenrir also fell after facing Garn, the powerful wolf of hell who defended the world of the dead. Before his death, Týr managed to thrust a spear into the beasts heart. The battlefield was shaken. Jǫrmungandr, the serpent of the world, unleashed a mist of venemous gases that killed many of the warriors of the gods.

Thor was waiting to fight his rival Jǫrmungandr for a long time. The clash was nothing short of epic. The gigantic snake tried to swallow Thor who managed to dodge the strikes and attacks with thunderous hammer blows. Thor manged to wound the serpent which fell onto the ground. Thor finished the serpent with a hiuge blow to its head. The Asgardian warriors and gods cheered all over the battlefield.

But the blow was so strong that is blew open some of the venom pockets of the serpent. The mist surrounded Thor who fell to his knees and died due to the poison. The battle now became more difficult without Thor. Meanwhile Fenrir, swallowed most of the warriors on its path. He wanted to find the supreme god of Asgard, Odin.

Odin knew he had to fight the mighty wolf. Fenrir opened its mouth as wide as it could and swallowed the wisest of the gods. All the warriors were now filled with hate. Vidor tried to attack Fenrir but was caught in its mouth. With all his might he tried to push the wolf's teeth away. He put in immense strength that it tore Fenrir's jaw. The wolf was now dead.

Even after Fenrir's death, Loki felt satisfied watching the carnage as the fall of the gods was near. Heimdall advances between the army of hell trying to make his way to Loki. Heimdall and Loki deulled for a long time hitting each other. Eventually both died. The giant Surtur burnt he world with his flaming sword. There we no more warriors left on either side of the war.

Only ashes remained. The palaces of Asgrad were consumed by the fire. The water levels rose to cause a huge flood. There was no one or nothing left. The age of the gods was over. The tree of the world fell.

Many years after the water receeded, life started to blossom again on earth. A new sun emerged and put an end to the darkness that took over the earth. Inside the ashes of the tree of world, a few mortals hidden byt hte gods reamined and mankind could resist the events of Ragnarok.

The Asgardian kingdom disappeared but a new kingdom Ithvelor was formed. Six new gods, the surviving sons of Odin, Thor and Baldar took their seats in Ithvelor where they gathered and discussed the future trying not to repeat the mistakes of the past.


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