

Amazing unknown secrets about Meghnath from Ramayan

Updated On Dec 24, 2023       10 min Read

Amazing unknown secrets about Meghnath from Ramayan

In the epic of Ramayana by Valmiki, he himself mentions Meghnath as one of the most powerful character. Meghnath is regarded as one of the greatest warriors in Hindu mythology. In this post let us get to know one of the most powerful warrior to ever exist and the fine qualities he possessed which are very often overlooked.

Birth of the Crown Prince of Lanka

Ravana wanted his son to be perfect, invincible and immortal. For this, he instructed all planets to be in the 11th position during the birth of this child. However, Shani Deva (Saturn) did not comply and moved into 12th house and was later captured and imprisoned by Ravana for this disobedience. When the son was born, his cry sounded like a thunder of the clouds and thus was named Meghnath (sound resembling the thunder of clouds).

Meghnath studied under sage Shukracharya who was the teacher of Asuras. Meghnath was very keen in learning and Shukracharya taught him all about the warfare, magic and sorcery. Meghnath excelled at his studies in a desire to prove himself worthy of his father. It is believed that Meghnath was more powerful than his father Ravana.

Who is Indrajit ?

The Devas (Gods) and Asuras were constantly engaged in battle but could never win over the heavens. In some regions of souther India it is beleived that Ravana was a inventor/manufacturer of Vimanas (flying planes) which helped Asuras reach the gates of heaven overcoming the detailed obstacles laid by the Gods. Asruas led by Ravana have tried multiple times waging war agains the gods but this time Meghnath also participates in this war.

With his superior fighting abilities and apparation/teleportation powers was able to eliminate much of the gods and enemies of the lower levels of heaven. As the battle raged on Ravana was hurt unconcious by the Cheif of gods, Lord Indra. Enraged at this Meghnath fights mercilessly with all his might as is able to overpower Lord Indra and win ovr the heavens forthe Asuras and imprison Lord Indra.

When Lord Indra was imprisoned in the streets of Lanka, all the gods approached Lord Brahma, the creator, and pleaded to rescue Indra. Hearing their plight, Lord Brahma proceeded to Lanka and was very well recieved by Meghanath and Ravana. Brahma asked Meghnath to release Indra who inturn asked the elixir of immortality for himself and his clan. Brahma denied this as it was against the rule of nature, however granted him immortality in battle but with one condition and named him Indrajit (one who has defeated Indra, the Cheif of the gods).

How powerful was Meghnath ?

Lord Brahma granted Meghnath immortality in battle if Meghnath performed and completed his ritual or pooja to his local Goddess Nikumbala Devi before battle. In such case, Meghnath would be invincible and it would take someone who has practices brahmacharya for 12 years. Hearing this meghnath was happy and release Indra who vowed revenge.

Meghnath is known as the only athimaharathi in hindu mythology to possess all the three deadliest weapons or astras of the divine trinity. He could fight with twelve maharathis like Bhishma, Drona, Karna, Krishna, Arjuna etc and could still have defeated them all. Meghnath has Pashupathastra from Lord Shiva, Vaishnavastra from Lord Vishnu and Brahmastra from Lord Brahmanda Astra.

Meghnath has a magical golden chariot that can fly at the speed of thought. He is well versed in apprations and can fight any enemy by appearing for a fraction of seconds at a particular place and killing the enemy. In some folklores he is considered to be stronger than his father Ravana. In a duel with Lord Hanuman, he overpowers Hanuman with Brahmastra but in some versions of folklore it is said that Lord Hanuman himself gave up to not insult the might Brahmastra.

Meghnath's Wife

Sheshnag is the Cheif of the snakes or King of serpents, whom Lord Shiva himself adorns atop his shoulders around his neck. Sheshnag had a beautiful daughter Sulochana. Meghnath and Sulochana were in love secretly and eventually marries her. She later urges Meghnath to see reason and judge his father's actions and not to fight the war.

Meghnath in the battle of Ramayan

Afte Kumbakarna was defeated and killed, Ravana sent his eldest son, Meghnath into battle. Meghnath was so powerful and invincible that he killed a large part of the vanara army and spread fear and terror through the opposing vanara army. He unhurled one of his powerful astra, the Nagapash, which released thousands of snakes onto the vanara army and wrapped themselves around Laxman and Lord Ram.

Both Laxman and Lord Ram were immobilized and fear and despair crept into the hearts of the vanaras. However, the king of Eagles, Garuda was on their side and was able to save Laxman and Lord Ram and others from the serpents. Meghnath left for the day under the impression that he had defeated the enemy but knowing they are well the next day, decided he needs to perform yagna before the battle to subdue the powerful enemy.

Laxman, along with Hanuman interrupted the yagna and was able to bring Meghnath out of this pooja for war. Enraged Meghnath went to war with him and released the most terrible weapon ever created, the Brahmanda Astra which knocked out Laxman. Lord Ram wept for his brother but Lord Hanuman and Jambavanth ascertained that Laxman can still be saved and Lord Hanuman had to fly across to get the Sanjeevani mountain for the medicinal herbs.

Next day Laxman went to war with Meghnath again. Meghnath furious at his powers failing him and unable to kill the enemy, released the three most powerful astras Pashupathastra, Vaishnavastra  and the Brahmanda Astra but all failed him. Meghnath realized he is not fighting against any normal or mortal enemy, they are the incarnations of the divine Gods. Meghnath immedaitely teleported himself before Ravana and explained the situation and pleaded him to not fight anymore but Ravana was reluctant.

Death of Meghnath

One of the qualities of Meghnath, he was a very religious son with utmost respect towards his father and always yearned and worked hard to prove he was worthy. Meghnath mentions that it is his duty to fight for his father, hence he will still fight even if it means certain death. In some versions of Ramayana, Meghnath's devotion to his father is considered equal to that of Lord Ram.

Meghnath, knew that he was not fighting a normal enemy and that his death was certain. He still rides for the war and Laxman kills him the next day and thus ended the life of the most powerful warrior in Ramayan. He is still very much revered for his devotion to his father and his prowess as he never left his father side even when he realized he was going to die at the hands of God.


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